
Do you feel totally exhausted?

Are you desperate for more balance in your life? 

If you’re a healthcare worker or social worker who’s feeling burnt out, then you’re in the right place. 

Even before the pandemic, the pressures of working in healthcare and social work were high. 

There was pressure from management to see increased numbers of patients. 

The hours of patient care and documentation were grueling. 

Every day, there was the constant demand of having to do more with less. 

It seemed so bad, I thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse.

Then COVID happened.

What we thought was the worst was now only the beginning. 

Healthcare workers and social workers were on the front lines of truly life and death situations NIGHT AND DAY for months

There were not enough workers or equipment. 

There was not enough sleep. 

There was not enough time or resources to save peoples’ lives. 

I saw what was happening with healthcare workers because I was on the front lines, too. 

I witnessed healthcare and social workers risk their lives day in and day out. 

They worked tirelessly for the patients they cared for. 

They were deeply affected by hundreds of deaths. 

I saw all of this, and I wanted to help.

Hey, I’m Margaret.

I’m a life coach with 20+ years of experience working in healthcare, supporting the bereaved, and working one-on-one with clients in a mind-body practice. 

During the pandemic, I experienced first-hand how physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting working in healthcare was. 

It was soul-killing. 

Yet I was able to bring myself back to life with a lot of focused, intentional self-care. 

This care included listening to my body using the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, replenishing my body with the healing energy of Reiki, and evening out my emotions with the Bach Flower System of Healing.  

Another key part of my recovery was working with a life coach every week, someone to keep me moving forward toward the vision I had for myself and my life. 

My vision was to return to a healthier, stronger version of myself. 

I wanted to work in an environment I loved, and which loved me back, rather than exploited me. 

Over time, this vision became my reality. 

And as I grew stronger, I became clear on one thing: 

I can help workers like me do the same.

If you are looking for support in moving toward a vision you hold for yourself, it’s time to book a call. 

You deserve…

  • time and space to work through the blocks holding you back from achieving YOUR vision. 
  • support in overcoming barriers to forward momentum. 
  • the self-care that will bring you back to your Self.
  • a life you love and that loves you back.
  • so much more!

If you’re curious to know a little more, here are five fun things about me:

1.  I am a crafter and a crocheter.

2.  I love my fluffy white dog and my little black cat.

3.  My favorite place to be is swimming in the bay.

4.  My favorite color to wear is purple.

5.  Modern dance and choreography are the reason I am where I am today. (More on that later.)

A Trusted Life Coach

Filled with a desire to bring helpful healing modalities and body-oriented facilitation to her clients, Margaret is a life coach with many years of training and experience. Embodied life coaching offers a body-centered, integrative and heartfelt coaching experience to clients.

Mission and Vision

My mission is to support clients in reconnecting their minds and their awareness to their bodies, so that they may tap into the knowledge and wisdom that is held within their cells.

My vision is that of a world where we are taught not to ignore or discount the body, but rather to embrace it, along with all the guiding wisdom it has to share with us.

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