Embodied Life Coaching

Reconnect With Yourself

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Embodied Life Coaching

How a Life Coach Can Help You

Develop trust in yourself and your abilities

Implement healthy boundaries

Learn lifelong self-care skills

Reconnect to your innate wisdom


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What Is Embodied Life Coaching?

You've probably heard of life coaching. You may understand it to be a process by which an individual receives support, guidance and feedback from a coach with the intention of the client achieving specific life goals.

A coach first helps a client to clarify their goals so that they know where they want to go. The coach then supports the client in committing to and becoming accountable for making desired changes in order to achieve those goals.

Connecting to one's inner wisdom is an important part of overcoming blocks to progress. Most often, this process is achieved through interactive dialogue.

With embodied life coaching, we add in the element of working with and listening to the wisdom of the body to overcome hurdles and achieve desired change.

When dialogue alone may fall short, including the body in the process of life coaching allows the client to continue to move steadily forward in their progress.